RHM_Oktober18_Pilotenschulung_Foto Stephany Quelle DRF Luftrettung (10)

Helicopter pilot training

"Integrated training as a professional helicopter pilot CPL (H) with ATPL theory"

Pilot training for helicopters

  • General information

    As part of the professional helicopter pilot training, the knowledge and skills required to work as a professional helicopter pilot are taught in both theory (approx. 3/4) and practice (approx. 1/4).

    The almost two-year training course, which is aimed at obtaining a professional helicopter pilot license, includes the following teaching content:

    • Aviation law
    • Airframe, systems, engines & electrics
    • Instruments
    • Mass & center of gravity
    • Flight performance Flight planning & flight control
    • Human performance
    • Meteorology
    • General navigation
    • Radio navigation
    • Operational procedures
    • Aerodynamics
    • Communication
    • Knowledge, skills and attitudes

    Please contact us if you have any questions about training.

    Notes on the application:

    Applications for the start of the 2025 course can be submitted till August 31, 2024.

    Register now
  • Teaching staff

    The highly qualified in-house flight instructors used for training have a great deal of flying expertise, which is characterized by their many years of operational experience in various flight conditions.

  • Requirements & training location

    The training requirements for an application are a minimum age of 21 years and successful completion of vocational training or a bachelor's degree.

    The practical part of the training will take place at the DRF Luftrettung Operation Center at Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden Airport. The theoretical content will be taught on the premises of the DRF Luftrettung Academy in Bühl. After successfully completing the on-site assessment center and before starting the training, you will also need a valid Medical Class 1 and a background check.

  • Training costs

    The course costs will amount to 127,000 euros. In addition to theory lessons, the sum includes flight and simulator lessons as well as landing fees and radio training (BZF II).
  • Application

    Applications for the start of the 2025 course can be submitted till August 31, 2024.
    Register now

Frequently asked questions

  • What type of training exactly does the DRF Luftrettung offer?

    The DRF Luftrettung offers integrated training as a professional helicopter pilot CPL (H) with ATPL theory.

  • On which helicopter is the training carried out?

    The DRF Luftrettung will carry out the training on the Robinson R44.

  • What requirements do I need to apply for pilot training at DRF Luftrettung?

    The training requirements for an application are a minimum age of 21 years (cut-off date is 1 May of the respective training year) as well as a successfully completed, state-recognized vocational training or a Bachelor's degree. Unfortunately, previous studies or a first state examination do not apply.

    For your application, you will need an extract from the register of the Federal Motor Transport Authority. After successfully completing the on-site assessment center and before starting your training, you will need a valid Medical Class 1 and a background check.

  • Which training courses are recognized?

    Exclusively state-recognized training courses with a training period of at least two years.

  • What training content is taught?

    As part of the training to become a professional helicopter pilot, the knowledge and skills required to work as a professional helicopter pilot are taught both in theory (approx. 3/4) and in practice (approx. 1/4). 
    The almost two-year training course, which is aimed at obtaining a professional helicopter pilot's license, covers the following subjects:

    • Air law
    • Airframe, systems, engines & electrics
    • Instruments
    • Mass & center of gravity
    • Flight performance, flight planning & flight control
    • Human performance
    • Meteorology
    • General navigation
    • Radio navigation
    • Operational procedures
    • Aerodynamics
    • Communication
    • Knowledge, skills and attitude

    In addition to the legally required theoretical and practical training content, additional courses are planned in the areas of medicine and technology. In 30 hours each, the medical and technical knowledge of the course participants is deepened and practical exercises are carried out.

  • Will I have the opportunity to work as a pilot for DRF Luftrettung after my training?

    After successfully completing the training, participants can apply for jobs as co-pilots at the DRF Luftrettung. There is no guarantee that they will be taken on.

    Young pilots will also be able to gain experience under the supervision of experienced HEMS pilots in the future.

  • The training lasts around two years. Why?

    The DRF Luftrettung attaches great importance to high-quality training. In order to consolidate and deepen the training content, we consider a two-year training course to be appropriate. This also enables participants to pursue a career at the same time.

  • How much does training to become a professional helicopter pilot cost?

    The course costs will amount to 127,000 euros. In addition to theory lessons, the sum includes flight and simulator lessons as well as landing fees, radio training (BZF II) and an additional course each in technology (Part 147) and medicine. The costs must be paid by the applicant and are not covered by DRF Luftrettung.

  • How can I register for pilot training with the DRF Luftrettung?

    Training to become a (helicopter) pilot is a special experience, involves a lot of responsibility and we want to make sure that we are a good match. The quality and safety of the training are particularly important to us. That is why we have developed an application process with an assessment center.

    The application phase for the start of the course in 2024 ended on Wednesday, October 31, 2023.

    Applications for the start of the 2025 course can be submitted till August 31, 2024.

    Register now
  • How does the application process work?

    After the initial review of all incoming applications, we invite selected applicants to a two-day assessment center at our premises. The final selection of applicants and thus the acceptance for training as a commercial pilot takes place shortly after this assessment center. The costs incurred during the assessment center and for overnight accommodation will of course be covered by the DRF Academy. You will only have to pay for your own travel costs.

  • What can I expect during the selection process?

    In a joint appointment, we would like to get to know you personally and check basic skills such as coordination, logical thinking and technical understanding.

R44 training helicopter for the Microsoft flight simulator


"For all those who want to get started right away, here is our brand new Robinson R44 Raven II as a download for the Microsoft Flight Simulator.
Many thanks to the designer Sebastian Stephan."


Quelle/Designer: Sebastian Stephan


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DRF Academy